Freitag, 8. August 2008


Im "police blotter" werden alle Vergehen der Bevölkerung veröffentlicht. Das wird durch die normale Tageszeitung verbreitet. Der folgende Bericht weicht von den üblichen Vergehen wegen Stoppschildüberfahren, Alkohol am Steuer, Alkohol bei Minderjährigen, laute Feten, nichtbezahlten Falschparkstrafzettel... ab:

Tuesday, July 19, officers responded to Woodland Avenue on a report of a rabid raccoon. According to police, when they arrived at the scene a large raccoon was attacking a small raccoon injuring it. Police then witnessed the rapid raccoon attacking a small dog at which point they sprayed it with Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), better known as pepper spray, in order to get it to release the dog, police said.
The raccoon then ran across the street into the backyard of an adjacent property at which time the officer was able to safely destroy the animal with two shots from his duty weapon, authorities reported. According to police, the raccoon was placed in a plastic bag and transported to headquarters where the Human Society picked it up for testing. The dog was transported to the veterinarian for treatment and testing and the small raccoon was not located, police said.

Einige Vokabeln: raccoon ist ein Waschbär, rabid raccoon ist ein fanatischer oder tollwütiger Waschbär